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Laulikus on 532 laulu, neist 152 koos saateakordidega

Johnny I hardly knew ya

iiri rahvaviis

Along the road to sweet Athy,
Hurroo Hurroo
Along the road to sweet Athy,
Hurroo Hurroo
Along the road to sweet Athy
A stick in the hand,and A spot in the eye
I heard a doleful damsel cry
Johnny I hardly knew ya.

With your guns and drums and drums and guns,
Hurroo Hurroo
With your guns and drums and drums and guns,
Hurroo Hurroo
With your guns and drums and drums and guns
The enemy nearly slew ya
And you look so queer my darling dear
Johnny I hardly knew ya.

Where is the eye that looked so mild,
Hurroo Hurroo
Where is the eye that looked so mild,
Hurroo Hurroo
Where is the eye that looked so mild
That my poor heart you first beguiled
Why did ya scedaddle from me and the child
Johnny I hardly knew ya.

With your guns and drums and drums and guns,
Hurroo Hurroo
With your guns and drums and drums and guns,
Hurroo Hurroo
With your guns and drums and drums and guns
The enemy nearly slew ya
And you look so queer my darling dear
Johnny I hardly knew ya.

Where is the leg with which you run,
Hurroo Hurroo
Where is the leg with which you run,
Hurroo Hurroo
Where is the leg with which you run,
When first you left to carry the gun
Oh i feel your dancing days are done
Johnny I hardly knew ya.

With your guns and drums and drums and guns,
Hurroo Hurroo
With your guns and drums and drums and guns,
Hurroo Hurroo
With your guns and drums and drums and guns
The enemy nearly slew ya
And you look so queer my darling dear
Johnny I hardly knew ya

Well, you haven't an eye, you haven't a leg,
Hurroo Hurroo
You haven't an eye, you haven't a leg,
Hurroo Hurroo
You haven't an eye, you haven't a leg
You're a eyeless, boneless, chickenless egg
You'll Have to be put with the bowl to beg
Johnny I hardly knew ya.

With your guns and drums and drums and guns,
Hurroo Hurroo
With your guns and drums and drums and guns,
Hurroo Hurroo
With your guns and drums and drums and guns
The enemy nearly slew ya
And you look so queer my darling dear
Johnny I hardly knew ya

Well I'm happy for to see ya home,
Hurroo Hurroo
I'm happy for to see ya home,
Hurroo Hurroo
I'm happy for to see ya home
Oh from that isle of Ceylon
So low in the flesh, so high in the bone
Johnny I hardly knew ya.


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Lauliku taskumõõtu viidud versioon sisaldab enam kui 350 laulu.

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